Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Setting the Stage: Exploring Mac Deployment At Scale
Away we go! In this first episode of We Got Your Mac, hosts Kevin English and Victoria Barber set out with Jess Craver, Enterprise Account Executive at SHI, to discover why organizations are looking to deploy Apple’s Mac platform at scale and unpack some of the considerations when doing so. It isn’t just about technology, but about the business transformation the technology can drive.
It isn’t just about technology, but about the business transformation the technology can drive. Explore the compelling reasons why businesses are embracing Mac deployment, from enhancing employee experience to boosting productivity and redefining company image.
Discussed in this episode:
- The why – the business drivers behind the move to deploying Mac at scale rather than as a niche solution
- The real-world complexities and challenges of logistics, compatibility, and more when integrating Mac into diverse IT environments
- The success stories - real-world examples of how successful deployment of Mac at scale can be the catalyst for innovation, improve employee satisfaction and reflect corporate values and identity